Wednesday, June 5, 2013

words can be sexy

dearcispeople: Dear Cis People: Telling me that trans*...


Dear Cis People:

Telling me that trans* stories are not welcome at Denver PrideFest just makes you completely ignorant of the history of the LGBT movement and the reason for PrideFest.

liriope: iampunkassbetch: Shinji Nakaba (2012) - Hand-carved...



Shinji Nakaba (2012) - Hand-carved pearl

Oh damn

altgender: I've reached 1200 posts and 60 followers.  Six...


I've reached 1200 posts and 60 followers.  Six months and a few days of tumblr.  

It's honestly way more fun to have followers you interact with than to have ~ahem~ thousands of followers who you imagine will riot and send hate mail at the slightest provocation.

Not that I would know or anything.

heatherbat: going through the notes on my audrey post, and i can't figure out which is more...


going through the notes on my audrey post, and i can't figure out which is more depressing.

the reblogs including my post that say "she's still super beautiful here, though!!"/"none of that changes how beautiful she was!"


"at least she's being remembered!"




heatherbat: wordscanbesexy replied to your post: …and then i apparently accidentally taught...


wordscanbesexy replied to your post: …and then i apparently accidentally taught tumblr…

did you see the anon on my blog who got offended about it?

oh my god that's fucking ridiculous. pretty sure they went after you cause i have anon turned off, but that's still fucking stupid. oh, really? the people who only remember her as pretty make up a small percentage of her fans? i'd say the commentary above mine is enough to prove otherwise - and let's throw in that almost everybody i know ALSO thought she died young and was shocked to find out she did things beyond her film career. it may be widely known among her fans…but it does NOT appear to be widely known as a general fact. so i stand by my statement.

Same here. *shrug* 

mystrangeskin: Gorgeous 1" double flared Anatometal eyelets!


Gorgeous 1" double flared Anatometal eyelets!

mercyangela: mua-Irina Nersesyan


mua-Irina Nersesyan

"I don't want a lukewarm love. I want it to burn my lips and engulf my soul."

"I don't want a lukewarm love. I want it to burn my lips and engulf my soul."

- Woori  (via thatkindofwoman)

redefiningbodyimage: I actually can't contain how happy this...


I actually can't contain how happy this makes me.

irias-mind: I can check all these off, but repeat if necessary...


I can check all these off, but repeat if necessary :D

suicideblonde: Audrey Hepburn


Audrey Hepburn

gaywrites: Exxon Mobil is believed to be the largest Fortune...


Exxon Mobil is believed to be the largest Fortune 500 company to discriminate against LGBT employees. To see if this holds true in the hiring process, the LGBT group Freedom to Work created fake resumes for two candidates applying for an open position. One applicant appears more qualified for the job and has experience in LGBT activism, while the other seems somewhat less qualified but does not show any sign of being LGBT.

Here's a look at what happened. Does Exxon discriminate against LGBT applicants? You tell me. (via the Huffington Post

sub-cutaneous replied to your post: sub-cutaneous replied to your post: It's pretty… I...

I feel the same way about Anglia jolie. She does so much, but people only know her for her looks. As much as being pretty is a virtue, its also a vice

Being conventionally pretty (or marginally unconventionally for that matter) is neither a virtue nor a vice. It’s just a descriptor, 

I’m a bit baffled about this discussion. I feel like the anon failed to understand the point completely. I was not being insulting toward Hepburn but rather being critical of how our society judges and values women.

sub-cutaneous replied to your post: It's pretty insulting to think that 'history remembers her as...

Ugh no i agree with you completely. Shes such an inspiration and all we remember her by is breakfast at tiffanys and it sucks.

To be honest, it probably could have better been said

“In a few years that won’t be the case. History won’t remember her outside a history of film and maybe a footnote or two. “

But hey, that’s not as catchy and certainly doesn’t emphasize why she will be ignored—because she was pretty.

It's pretty insulting to think that 'history remembers her as pretty' countless people quote Hepburn's inspirational quotes, write books and blog about her unicef work, analyze her acting to death, and talk about her efforts in the war. It's not an unknown thing, the people who 'remember her as pretty' make up a pretty small population of her fans, and even then there's nothing wrong with posting her beauty pics too. It's not a secret club, we all know how great she was.

No it isn't a mystery, but it is something that is completely ignored most of the time. I'm sorry you feel like I've done a disservice by noting that all the images we see on tumblr and most of the images we see around the internet are of her as a young actress. That no one mentions how amazing she is. 

Also, for the record, I was only highlighting what a commenter above me wrote. And, to be honest, it's spot on.

But, hey, if you think it's not true then fine. It's not like it matters that what I was saying is that people SHOULD remember the important work she did.

my mood has improved from yesterday.

my mood has improved from yesterday.

I’m considering a subtle vine pattern scar running up my leg(s).

I’m considering a subtle vine pattern scar running up my leg(s).


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