New goal!
To meet my followers IRL and give them a hug! Yup.
I am going to try something new starting this month
The first Friday of every month I will dedicate the entire day's posts to promoting an up and coming model!
There are so many up and coming models that I want to help them by give that little extra exposure.
I will give click-through links to all her social media outlets so you don't have to put any effort in finding her yourself!
If you are an up and coming model and would like a promotion, please inquire in my ask and I will consider your request.
I hope you all enjoy this new process!
Tumblr named "Hot Asian Models" follows me...
All first page posts are
1. not Asian
2. tractors
This new dashboard sucks!
It uses too many resources. So many that I can’t even infinite scroll through my dash to see all the posts from the day that I missed. I used to run off Firefox, but switched to Chrome because my FF kept crashing after I got too far down my dash, but now Chrome is shitting bricks. The fancy like button is too much pzazz for it’s use. Hopefully they fix this shit soon, else I’ll have to unfollow blogs just to get my daily tumblring done.
zodiacsociety: The Young Gemini
The Young Gemini
buzzfeed: Everything about this is true and horrible.
Everything about this is true and horrible.
arisaavena: hiddledbythebatch: territorialcreep: rusharound: atomiccrowbars: stitchedego: theba...
liking someone who is already in a relationship
Liking someone who likes you back, but they're already in a relationship
Liking someone who doesn't like you back
Liking someone who doesn't exist.
Liking someone
Liking yourself
this easily became the best thing on tumblr
just-the-right-guy: xxdezarae: she—lives—in—a—fairytale: tyler...
blue or orange depends if it means impervious to danger, to just those 3 things
I'm invincible now, bitch.
Blue for sure!
One of the worst feelings in life is watching the person you...
One of the worst feelings in life is watching the person you love, love someone else. All you can really do is watch and be happy for them and hope that they get treated right. Because all you wanted for them was happiness even if that happiness isn't being shared with you.
I've finally started dreaming again
It’s been so long since I’ve last dreamed. I still can’t remember what happens, but the more I dream, the better I’ll get again. It feels nice to dream again.
bit-of-alex: pwase :3 im bored <3 Or just anything, just...
pwase :3 im bored <3
Or just anything, just please send me messages! T_T
ALL guys want a girl with..
DD's and a nice big ass. Maybe some guys, but every guy has their own preference. Some guys think more than a handful & mouthful is waste. Don't put it into girls heads that guys only like curvy woman with big breasts. Every body is beautiful and every guy has a different preference, get it right. All you girls with skinny frames are sexy as hell too.
I love skinny girls! Skinny girls need love too!!!
Suddenly, my heart just sank
I had hope, like i always do. Even the tiniest amount if hope kept me going these days. But now, my hope has been shattered yet again, and I’m back to square one, with no more drive to look forward to tomorrow and i sit here alone again.
It's more fun to be mysterious :D!
:( Thanks for sending me messages at least
Hi david, I know what it's like to be depressed too and you were one of the first blogs I followed hella long ago, and I just want to say that I care about you and I hope you feel a lot better soon! It's good that you have a reason to live for, as far as family, but keep in mind that it gets better, and live for that day that you're so happy you can't believe it. You would always send me messages when I was really down too so I hope this can at least put a smile on your face! xoxoxo
Thanks. I usually get over it in a few days….
but why are you anon? :(
This is the first time I've ever wrote down these thoughts.
I thought about suicide when I was younger. My life was shit, I had no friends, I kept getting rejected over and over, I felt my life was at it’s lowest point (little did I know it could get lower and lower as I got older). But I realized suicide is the ABSOLUTE MOST selfish thing a person could do. You think it’s an escape, that people will move on and you can disappear forever. But NO. That’s not true.
Say you jump in-front of a bus/train. You traumatize the driver for seeing you at the last second and being unable to stop what will happen. You traumatize the people around you waiting for that bus/train. You cause a backup in the transit system, causing hundreds of people to be late. You cause distress on your family.
Because I am too empathetic, I think about the impact of EVERY action I make on everyone that it can affect.
There are personal reasons for why I cannot die yet. I have 2 nephews that I must be a role model for. I have family I have to take care of. I am the last male in my lineage and I must have a son to carry my name. So no matter what happens, I am not allowed to die, not yet. I’d rather live my life as a mindless drone than a selfish bastard.
Women want a man...
who is mentally stable, has goals, has drive, has his life together.
I have no goals, no drive, a very well paying dead end job that I drown my life into, and not mentally stable. I feel my only purpose in life is to eat, sleep, work. Why would anyone choose me?
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